A place for FF's to write and read brief reviews of books and films for the benefit of other FF's.

A place for FF's to write and read brief reviews of books and films for the benefit of other FF's.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Tiger's Wife (short story) by Tea Obreht

I know this recently came out as a novel but I wanted to see what the fuss was about so I read the short story (of the same title) that had been included in last year's "Best American Non-Required Reading".

It's a WWII story about a tiger who escapes from a bombed-out zoo, struggles to survive, and comes to form a relationship with a mute Muslim girl. The story focuses on the local mythology that forms around this strange relationship.

It's clear that Obreht is a talented writer and is great at describing various sensations and feelings but as a whole the story left me pretty cold and did not cohere into anything particularly memorable or moving -- I'd be curious to hear from anyone who's read the whole novel. Also I found it pretty hard to get over the feeling that these story elements are (as SC makes fun of in his book) "go-to" literary-fiction elements that young writers glom on to because they tend to win praise for being deep and beautiful and powerful. Namely WWII and tigers. Enough tigers already.

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