A place for FF's to write and read brief reviews of books and films for the benefit of other FF's.

A place for FF's to write and read brief reviews of books and films for the benefit of other FF's.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

Do we still do this? Write the things on the web site? I got bored and watched 2010's nerd hipster romantic comedy flop Scott Pilgrim vs. the World while playing the board game go online. I didn't enjoy it. When I saw it in the theater, I had a fun time because some neat things happen, but I didn't care much this time around the dance floor. I liked the source comic books because I'm a horrible nerd, and I hoped that it would do well, but it did not. It was a massive failure. Comic books can sustain themselves with sales under 100,000 because they are cheap to make and comic book creators have manageable standards for their own lives. A film costs a great deal of money to make when it has a lot of weird special effects and a fruitless over-marketing campaign. Consequently, it is good business practice to scale down special effects or to get people to watch your movie. When your movie is a hipster romantic comedy set in Canada, you can lose the urban demographic, and when it makes references to the fairy fountain music from Legend of Zelda, you can lose the adult demographic.

I generally wish that romantic comedies had more martial arts scenes. I guess that having been given that and not being satisfied, the problem in my life may be something else. 1999's cult hit Fight Club also had a lot of special effects piled on top of a faithfully adapted screenplay, but Fight Club was awesome and squeaked its way into profitability and a moribund nation's hearts.

If you are (and you should be) more interested in my performance in online go than in boring movies, I have more dismaying news: I suck.


  1. Zachary, how are you set for cash? I know you've got that baby coming. Should we put Amazon affiliate links in negative and hastily rendered reviews?

  2. I'm actually already making a ton of money from this blog, but thanks.
