A place for FF's to write and read brief reviews of books and films for the benefit of other FF's.

A place for FF's to write and read brief reviews of books and films for the benefit of other FF's.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Youth In Revolt

I thought I was going to hate this but I mostly liked it. Though I keep deciding I'm sick of Cera, I'll then see him in something and realize I still love watching him. His performance as the main character's alter ego "Francois", a quietly sneering, cigarette-smoking aesthete and sociopath, was extremely fun to watch because it was sort of shocking ("Wow, look at Cera playing a total asshole!") without being too big. There were some animated sequences that were cute but unnecessary and perhaps too cute. The girl/love interest characters in movies like this usually bug me because they are rendered as not much more than adorable crazy-making machines (I guess I'm mainly thinking of Summer in "500 Days of Summer"). The girl here, while not exactly the antidote to this problem, at least had her own issues to deal with and was consistently inscrutable in a pretty funny way. Fred Willard always makes me laugh. 85 minutes running time -- can't beat it.


  1. Eap, I have not yet had a chance to put your recommendations to the test, but if they prove accurate, you may well be the most valuable movie critic in the biz.

  2. My thing with this movie is that if I want to listen to white trash make outlandish intellectual claims with obscure SAT words, I can just talk to myself or my family.

  3. Well here's something to officially solidify my position: "Casablanca" is a really solid movie. Check it out and try to tell me I'm wrong.
